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The Link
The Link, one of the most popular mobile phone shops in UK sell all the latest must-have mobile phones and accessories at great prices. Please see conditions box for various cashbacks.
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Holly Crouche | 02-10-2005 | |
I needed an MP3 player and video capture on my new phone , got a good trade-in deal have purchased a few handsets for christmas presents got your cashback on each order and am very pleased . | ||
Jeff Tickle | 06-08-2005 | |
the assistance provided by thelnk was great no caffaffle just common sense help when upgrading my nokia | ||
Jimbo Crawley | 03-08-2005 | |
da mobil phones are great specially the x-net half price / da vibrating alarm makes me jiggle | ||
Megan Smith | 08-03-2005 | |
I was pleased to get the extra money i will let my friends in the village know about these offers |