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Reseller hosting allows you to host an unlimited number of websites from the same account. Many website developers use the Fasthosts reseller host plans to develop not only their own websites but also their client's sites too, and by doing all within the same plan you can save a huge amount as well as making multi site management a breeze.
Basically this means you become an ISP! and can even creating your own ACME hosting site and sell webspace - anyone can do it.
How it works
You buy a reseller account - there are 2 professional packages to choose from - Windows 2003 or Linux platforms, from your administration control panel you can add unlimited domain - each having a slice of the total bandwidth and webspace - you can define how much you give away and at what price. Everything can be rebranded so clients need never know you are a reseller - as far as they know you own the whole data centre - worth millions!
Fasthosts are also offering you the chance to resell ADSL broadband too - this is a lucrative market at the moment - so there has never been a better time.
Best of all FREE 3 Months - to get your business going, WHIR magazine has voted Fasthosts a top reseller provider and their current package is very hard to beat.
Plus we at CashbackToYou are offering you a massive cashback rebate offer.