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Just Rewards from Experian
Experian is a consumer data collection and management site. They offer great promotions including draws for free electronics, online shopping vouchers, short weekend breaks in Europe and cash prizes of various amounts for completing their surveys.
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Tim Blackwood | 12-10-2006 | |
Good fun answering multiple choice survwy questions but so far haven't won the car but did get the chasback so not too miffed | ||
Jim Goodchild | 12-07-2006 | |
I want that mini sports car one of my friends won an ipod nanno thingy which sounds great i've heard it anyway will have a go as there nothing to loose and a lot to gain | ||
James Fairweather | 01-07-2006 | |
THe champagne break i won was a delight thanks so much to you all i hope my survey was of use | ||
Janet Onions | 01-03-2006 | |
Money for old rope as the saying goes , nice to get paid for providing consumer information |